Do You Have Questions About Nursing Home Neglect or Nursing Home Abuse? The Experienced Attorneys at Flexer Law Have Answers.
Nursing home negligence is appalling and unacceptable. It has serious physical, mental, and emotional health consequences, and can ultimately result in death. When your loved one is the victim of nursing home neglect, you have the right to take legal action. Filing a nursing home abuse lawsuit allows you to seek justice against those responsible for harming your loved one.
Elder abuse in a nursing home facility is typically the result of unfit caregivers. Employees at under-trained and under-staffed facilities can become frustrated and needlessly take it out on residents. This is unacceptable.
Regardless of the reasons for nursing home negligence, it merits legal restitution. A successful nursing home abuse lawsuit provides financial compensation for the injuries suffered by your loved one and can help pay for treatments and other costs.
What is Nursing Home Negligence?
Many nursing home facilities treat their residents with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, many do not. Nursing home negligence occurs when residents of a nursing home do not get proper care, resulting in physical, emotional, or mental health problems. This issue is tragically common in Tennessee and is completely unacceptable. If you suspect that your loved one has suffered from nursing home neglect or abuse, contact Flexer Law today.

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Types of Nursing Home Abuse
Understanding the different types of nursing home abuse and the ability to recognize the early warning signs can protect victims from experiencing further harm. Signs range from neglect to full physical abuse.
If a nursing home staff member knowingly causes physical harm to a resident, it’s an act of abuse. This includes hitting, pushing, kicking, and any other physical hostile contact.
Warning signs of physical abuse:
- Bedsores
- Bruises, burns, or cuts
- Broken bones
- Dehydration or malnutrition
- Dental injuries
- Lasting illness or infection
- Poor hygiene
Emotional abuse includes yelling, taunting, and other forms of verbal degradation. While emotional abuse doesn’t leave a physical mark, it can have a lasting mental health impact.
Warning signs of emotional abuse:
- Mental health issues (anxiety, depression, etc.)
- Aggressive or violent behavior
- Lack of self-worth
- Substance abuse
- Suicidal thoughts
When nursing home residents are left unattended, it puts them at needless risk. It can result in malnutrition, infections, bedsores, and even death.
Warning signs of nursing home neglect:
- Bedsores and other wounds
- Dehydration and malnutrition
- Injuries related to falls
- Unexplained death
Sexual abuse includes any form of unwanted sexual advances or activity. This includes inappropriate physical contact.
Warning signs of sexual abuse:
- Inappropriate physical contact
- Bruises around the genitals
- STDs
Nursing home residents are often at high risk for financial exploitation. Particularly in cases when the resident suffers from dementia or Ahlzheimer’s disease.
Warning signs of financial abuse:
- Changes to the power of attorney
- New bank accounts or lines of credit
- Unusual transactions on bank statements